How to Study at MAX
The Personal Training Courses, Diplomas & Certificates that let you study Anywhere, Anytime at a timetable that suits you!
Max Fitness College has an easy to access online learning platform that lets you access all of the educational information online from your tablet, mobile or desktop computer. You can study online, anywhere, anytime, when it suits you. This means you can move through the course information at your own pace.
We also support the educational information with:
Founder of Max International College for Fitness Professionals
Daily, weekly and monthly online supplementary workshops, audios, videos, newsletters and educational resources.
Face to face Zoom, Skype or phone mentoring and chats.
The online learning platform contains thousands of supplementary audio and video sessions to support you while you are completing the programme which you can access for life (along with any updated content).
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The Max Programmes are delivered Online for 3 main reasons:
– Allows you to study at your own pace without being held back or forced to keep up in a Classroom setting
– Allows you to make study work in around your existing career, family and lifestyle
– Allows us to focus in on your individual needs while still delivering all of the information you need to become a fully qualified Personal Trainer
The Fitness and Business components of the programme while separate are blended in such a way as to help you to understand how you will apply what you are learning in your chosen career pathway as you proceed through the programme.
Each session includes a combination of Video, Audio, PowerPoints, Session Notes and other learning materials to assist you to work progressively through all of the Units building upon your learning as you progress. The Online Learning Platform was specifically designed for MAX and makes the programme easy to access and to complete.
Assessments take place progressively throughout the programme and occur at the end of each session with an Online quiz relating to the content you have just learned. There are various other written and practical assessments throughout the programme for you to complete – these are uploaded onto the On Line Learning Platform and assessed by the MAX Education Director. There are various options to complete the practical assessments including a video clip completed by you, sign off by a MAX approved Owner or Manager working in the profession where you live or in person with a MAX Founder/Mentor by prior arrangement.
The final practical Evaluation is done with one of the MAX Founders/Mentors ensuring that your learning is complete and you are fully equipped with the practical and communication skills to enjoy an amazing career as a Personal Trainer, Owner or Manager.
While the Programme is delivered Online one of the most valuable parts of your learning will take place during your Personal Mentoring sessions with one of the Max Founders/Mentors. These sessions take place by Zoom, Skype or by phone and are focussed specifically on your needs and to support you in completing the programme. The focus is not just on completion of the qualification but on your future career and preparing you to purse your goals with passion once you have graduated.
The Max Founders/Mentors have vast and diverse experience in the Fitness Profession and in Business and want you to be successful and to make a difference to the health and fitness of the community you live and work in. Your success is our success!
The supplementary daily, weekly and monthly Online Workshops, Videos, Audios and other Education Resources and Newsletters cover the full range of fitness, business and personal development topics in the programme and are a further opportunity for you to learn, ask questions and interact with the MAX Founders/Mentors.